CHILDREN’S EMERGENCY SHELTER                                                                                                       Fall 2015

The Fort Smith Children’s Emergency Shelter provides shelter and care, in a safe and structured home-like environment to children ages 6-17 who have been removed from their home by the Department of Human Services due to neglect and/or abuse.

The CES is expanding its mission to include an Independent Living Program which will provide safe and stable housing options, with an emphasis on teaching self-sufficiency, using good life-skills training for foster youth ages 18-22 who have aged out of foster care.

  • Halloween costumes for ages 6-17
  • Pumpkins
  • Pumkin carving supplies
  • Trick-or-Treat bags
  • Cleaning supplies
  • Laundry PODS
  • Toilet paper
  • Nix live treatment
  • Monetary Contributionio

Quick Links

September Supporters!

Westend Diner

Art’s BBQ & Burgers

Melissa Eckhart

Rath Auto Resources

M. Scott James

5-Star Productions

Ronald Jeffers

RG and SJ Rhodes

David and Barbara Diment

Carole Beattie

Esther Circle of 1st  Lutheran Church

John and Melissa Baxter

Trinity Multi-Family

Trinity Baptish Church

Lisa M. Brashears

Field  Montgomery Watts


FUMC Weekday School

Adam and Karen Gold

Jim and Pattie West

Kay Myers

Joe Armstrong


Freddy Bynum

Southeastern Freight

Goddard United Methodist Church
Jim’s Razorback Pizza

Golden Corral

CES Staff Member of the Month

Ms. Kaylee!

My favorite part about the CES is helping provide a safe & fun atmosphere for the kids!

“Bedtime for Frances” is my favorite bedtime story.

I am attending UAFS to obtain my Bachelors in pshychology.

CES Expands Mission, Purchases Apartment for Independent Living

The Fort Smith Children’s Emergency Shelter is pleased to announce the expansion of its mission to include a Residential Life Skills Training Program for foster youth ages 18-22 transitioning into adulthood.
According to the Arkansas Department of Human Services (DHS), approximately 5% of Arkansas’ foster youth “age out” of the system each quarter. Due to the lack of stability and life skills, seventy-percent of those who age out end up homeless or incarcerated, and some even resort to suicide.
Jack Moffett, Executive Director of the Fort Smith Children’s Emergency Shelter, stated, “This is a grass roots effort. There are currently no residential-based life skills programs in Arkansas for young adults who have aged out of foster care. Once a child who has aged out becomes homeless, the State estimates it spends $300,000 throughout the rest of their lifetime on various services. This program will allow young adults to live among peers while, at the same time, receive training and services that will enable them to transition to becoming self-sufficient, contributing members of our community, rather than costing the taxpayers hundreds of thousands of dollars.”
Working with the Downs Group, LLC, a consulting firm that specializes in foster youth-oriented programs, the CES completed a feasibility study, created a comprehensive program plan, and has purchased a 24-unit apartment complex to facilitate the residential portion of the program. Moffett says, “The experts from the Downs Group told us that Fort Smith has the resources to be an ideal location for a program like this. UAFS offers an excellent array of both educational and vocational offerings, the area has a number of community-minded businesses that can provide employment opportunities, and the Junior League of Fort Smith has already established a foundation of life skills training that we will build on to give these young people every chance possible to succeed.” The CES-owned apartment complex rounds out the program. He adds, “The residential part of the program, in my opinion, is critical to making the life skills training effective. It’s also the most expensive part of the equation…apartment complexes are not cheap. That’s probably why this hasn’t already been done.”
Founded in 1997, the Fort Smith Children’s Emergency Shelter provides shelter and care in a home-like environment to children ages 6-17 who have been removed from their home by DHS due to abuse and/or neglect. During the 2014-15 fiscal year, CES served 263 children in crisis and provided over 7080 nights of care.
For further information on the Fort Smith Children’s Emergency Shelter Independent Living Program, call (479) 242-5771. Or email

Click here to see 5News interview on CES Independent Living Program



Item drive and grand opening of Harry’s (formerly Harry’s Hamburger Bar), 317 Garrision Ave

Bring a “daily needs” item to Harry’s in support of the CES and receive a hotdog lunch, and get entered into raffle drawing!

For more info: contact Olivia at (479)459-2050 or email

                           Join the Commissary Kiwanis Club and the Children’s
Emergency Shelter for the 2nd Annual “The Community Stikes Back” Bowling Tournament!

All Bowling Tournament proceeds

benefit the CES and the children served.


Thank you to premier sponsor:


“The Sneetches” by Dr. Seuss…what’s on your Star?

Boy, age 9

I’m special because: I care for authers (*others)

I like (child X’d out “like” and replaced with “love”): I love my mom

I am: smart

Girl, age 6

I’m special because: my mom

I like: my 2 cats

I am: a girl

If you suspect child abuse and/or neglect?

Report it!

Call: (800)482-5964                       DONATE NOW!      
